Stone Soup Academy 2025 Residential to Disneyland Paris

Dear Parent/Carer,

We are so excited that again for the third year running we have been able to put in place an all expenses paid overseas residential for our young people as part of our vision for creating unimagined futures for our young people. This year we have decided to take 8 lucky young people to Disneyland Paris in France. The trip will be leaving on Wednesday 2nd April and returning on Friday 4th April, just before the Easter holidays. 

Stone Soup Academy will be paying for the trip so you don’t need to worry about the cost. This will include the hotel, dinner on arrival, breakfast and packed lunch on Thursday and breakfast on Friday before they depart to return home. Students will only require spending money whilst they are in the park if they want to buy refreshments and gifts to bring home. 

Travel will be by coach from Nottingham down to Folkestone, through the Eurotunnel then onto Paris and Eurodisney, arriving on Wednesday evening. To travel to France all students will require a passport. If they do not have a passport but you would still like them to go then please indicate below. 

Students will be chosen from years 9, 10 and 11 based upon their behaviour, attitude and attendance to the academy. 

If you would like your child to be considered for this amazing opportunity then please complete the permission slip below and return by Wednesday 15th January 2025. 

Please be aware that completion and return of this slip does not confirm a place on this trip. Please let me know if you require any further information 

Kind regards 

Kerrie Henton 

Executive Principal






Disneyland Paris Easter 2025 FORM

Please complete the permission slip below and return by Wednesday 15th January 2025. 

Student Name: 

Parent/Carer Name: 

I give permission for my child to attend the Disneyland Paris Residential from 2nd  – 4th April 2025 



Please indicate below: 

My Child does have an up to date passport Yes/No Please enter expiry date: 

My Child does not have a passport Yes/No 

This permission slip is an expression of interest and does not confirm a place on the trip

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