
Dear Parents and Carers,


I hope that you are all well and enjoying the festive season. The Christmas holidays are finally upon us and, after a very busy term, I think we are all ready for a lovely break with family and friends. As an academy we have achieved so much this year and we would like to share it with you.


This academic year we introduced student progress reviews. Students sit with their personal coach, and other staff  in their forms, to go through the termly reports to celebrate their achievements and set new targets for the term ahead. This gives students the opportunity to ask questions, understand their data, and know what to do to improve. This will happen again on Monday 6th of January between 9:15-10:20.


All students in years 9, 10 and 11 took part in sitting their mock exams at our new exam centre at Milbie House. The mock exams give students the chance to become familiar with the process of answering an exam paper, and that sense of familiarity can really help to dilute a student’s fear when faced with the real thing.


This term is always both very busy but great fun. Throughout this term we have maintained a focus upon work related learning and as a result we have linked with Dreams Workshops, Future Chef Competition, HMRC Work Experience, John Lewis Work Experience, Cyber Security Work Experience and Nottingham Police HQ Visit. Some of our students attended the National Careers School Leavers Festival in Birmingham to give our young people a connection to the future opportunities available to them. As part of Black History Month, the Maths Department held the first Thomas Fuller Maths Challenge for students and staff to take part in and test their mathematical skills.


In December, we raised money for a Save the Children with the staff wearing their best Christmas jumper. We also supported Framework, with the year 9 students contributing to a Christmas Lunch for the homeless, as part of a community outreach project. We all enjoyed our Christmas dinner together on the 16th of December where all students had their meal served to them by the senior leadership team. This is always a great event and one that both staff and students enjoy. 

Our recent trip to Alton Towers was a huge success, marking our largest outing to date! We organised a memorable experience for 53 students and 15 staff members, providing a day filled with fun and team-building activities. The trip not only offered a chance for students to enjoy thrilling rides but also fostered strong connections among both students and staff, enhancing engagement and teamwork. 

We also took all of our young people out to Maysum, a restaurant in Nottingham, for a Christmas team building meal. Although hectic and busy it is also great fun and a joy to be with our young people outside of the classroom. Another reward trip that the academy organised was for the top 20 students in terms of progress. They attended a laser tag party to celebrate and recognise their achievements.


The top winning form for attendance enjoyed their trip to the christmas market with £20 budget to spend on presents for their loved ones and we took 6 of our young people to London with £100 spending money. The only challenge on this trip was to select the 6 students from all the students who had worked hard to have an average behaviour score of 7 or above for this term.


Attendance and punctuality continues to be a focus and this is a constant challenge both nationally and for ourselves. It is crucial that your child is in school with us so we can keep them safe and we can educate them. When students are with us, the facts show that their behaviour improves and their outcomes increase. Please continue to support us to make the greatest difference to the future of your children. Remember, school starts at 9 a.m. so please encourage your children to get here on time.


We are really excited about what 2025 will bring to Stone Soup Academy. We will be sending you details in the new year of our European trip to Eurodisney, just outside of Paris, which will be running just before Easter for 8 of our best students. Exciting! 


This year ends on Thursday 19th of December at 12 noon for students not joining us at Maysum or 1.30 for those who travel home by taxi and are joining us at the restaurant.  


All students will return to School at 9 a.m. on Monday 6th of January 2025


We hope that you have a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and we will look forward to seeing you again in the new year.


Best wishes,

Kerrie Henton

Executive Principal


Younes Henini

Interim Principal

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