Dear Parent/Carers,
Another term is ending as we head towards lighter mornings, longer days, and hopefully a bit of warmth as we move into Spring.
We have enjoyed a great term, with lots happening at Stone Soup Academy and lots to celebrate. Next term, we will be taking 8 of our young people to France to experience an all expenses trip to Disneyland Paris. The 8 young people were chosen because of their positive behaviour, attendance and positive attitude to staff and students. Who knows where we will be off to next year!
Our Attendance Manager and Parent Engagement Coach, Siobhan has been looking for new and innovative ways to engage with our parents and carers and to promote attendance and punctuality. This term Siobhan has again invited you into the academy to participate in a tea and a chat session. It is lovely to talk to our parents/carers and hear all about your thoughts, concerns and ideas to make Stone Soup Academy a better place for us all.
This term will end on Friday 14th February at 12.45 and students will return on Monday 24th of February at 9 a.m.
Within personal development this term, we have been covering a significant amount of topics all connected to relationships. These have included many relevant topics. Obviously, due to the age range across the academy we are sensitive in the manner in which these topics are delivered and students are given an opportunity to discuss and ask questions to aid their understanding. Next term we’ll be moving onto Health and Wellbeing.
We completed our termly mock exams for all our young people. The exams were held at our Milbie House site which is also our exams centre and where all the GCSE exams will be held in the summer. The students did really well and made great progress which is excellent.
Following on from the mock exams will be our academic review. This will take place on the first day back after the holidays. In this review personal coaches will be working with students to help them understand how they are progressing across all their subjects. The time spent completing this review really helps our young people to understand what their current position is and what they need to do to improve.
Next term we will also be launching our year 11 Passport to Success. All year 11 students have coursework that they need to complete to gain their qualifications in order to be able to leave for their study leave when we return from the May half term. All year 11 students need to get their passport for each subject signed off by the Principal, Younes Henini. Students who do get their passport fully signed will be able to start their study leave on Monday 26th May. Any student who is not complete will need to return to the academy on Monday 2nd June and work in the academy until all subjects are completed. This year we are giving our students their passports earlier so they can make a good start to completing all their work.
Whilst we are on the subject of exams for year 11, please remember do not book any holidays until after Suits day which will be on Friday 27th of June. Please put this date in your diary, as all year 11 parents will also be invited to this amazing afternoon as we celebrate your children’s successes at Stone Soup Academy.
As we move towards the hopefully warmer weather please can you ensure that students are dressed appropriately. Remember that although we do not have a uniform we do have expectations regarding dress code so the following will not be allowed on site:-
If a student arrives dressed inappropriately, they will be offered a t-shirt to wear if we have one available or given the option to return home to change. They will not be allowed to remain in the academy. Refusal to follow these expectations may result in suspension. We would be very grateful if you would support us in maintaining these expectations.
As always thank you for all your efforts in supporting us. Thank you for getting your children in on time at 9 a.m. each morning and for working with us to make a difference.
Thank you for helping us create unimagined futures for all our young people and I hope that you enjoy a stress free break. As with every break we will still try to keep in contact with our young people and yourselves in case we can be of any help.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Kerrie Henton
Executive Principal