Dear Parent/Carer,

As the academy continues to grow, we are constantly looking for ways to provide the best possible support for your child whilst they continue their education with us. This has led to the introduction of a new role at Stone Soup Academy; Year Leads. Your child’s Year Lead will oversee academic progress, attendance and wellbeing. They will endeavour to spot any trends or patterns in any of the areas mentioned to swiftly ensure the best possible help for your child, whatever the issue may be.

The Year Leads will be working closely with all personal coaches, and together as a Year Lead team, supported by the Assistant Principal: Personal Development, Assistant Principal: Behaviour and Welfare and the Head of Engagement.

I hope that you agree that this new role provides a valuable change and will add another level of support for your child.

Please find below, a personalised introduction from the Year 9 Year Lead, Michelle Rogers.

Best wishes,
Katy Smith – Assistant Principal: Personal Development.



Dear Parent/Carer,

As I step into my new role as the year lead for Year 9, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and to let you know my plans for the upcoming year.

I am an experienced member of the Stone Soup family having started here over 11 years ago. Now as Year 9 Lead I would like to put my wealth of knowledge and experience of counselling into practice, within a more support-focussed role, to assist students with personal barriers and their emotions to enable each and every one to reach their full potential.

As I take on the exciting role of Year 9 Lead, I plan to use all my experience managing the Year 9’s data to monitor behaviour, attendance, punctuality, and academic progress across all students, while also having my own group of key students.

As a team, we aim to support in the following areas;

● Identifying trends early, implementing timely interventions with students, parents/carers

●  Ensuring all relevant information is passed onto parents/carers in a timely fashion.

●  A big focus on targeted interventions and to have this communicated across the

academy so that we can all address specific learning needs and barriers which will in

turn enhance student engagement

●  Providing continued support for any student who is not in school, both academically

and emotionally. This includes daily check-ins by personal coaches, sending homework packs for their timetabled lessons, and keeping parents/carers regularly updated.

Your child’s personal coach will continue to be your first point of contact and the person who will be in regular contact. However I will be the main communicator for behaviour concerns that are more high level. Our key objective is to continue to implement consistency with the students and to see them successfully through to the end of year 11.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 07519127311.

Thank you for your continued support.

Michelle Rogers

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